To the International Day of the Family The International Day of Families is celebrated each year on 15 May.
In 2021, there were approximately 812.6 thousand households in the Lviv Region or 5.5 percent of Ukrainian households. About two-thirds (63.5%) of them lived in cities. The average size of households is three persons. More than one-third of all families consists four and more persons, 24.1% - two persons, 21.9% - three persons, about one-fifth (19 %) were one person households. Nearly of half of all households has children under 18 years, of which one-fifth of households have children aged 3-6 years. Households with one child were the most common 76.5%, two childrens- 22.6%, three and more under 0.9% In the Lviv region, 58.6% of households with children have three or more adults, more than one-third of households have two adults, while single adults with children accounted for 3.7% . In 2021 there were 13.7 thousands marriages registered which was 20.2% higher than in 2020. The average age of marriage is increasing: reached reached 29 years for women and 32 years for men, while in 2015 age of marriage for women was 26 and 29 years for men. |
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