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Lviv Region Statistics | Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
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Agriculture, forestry and fisheries

  • Tables
  • Graphs
  • Databases
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  • Infographics
  • Table Agricultural production (at constant prices) (Y)
  • Table Agricultural production indices (Y)
  • Table Agricultural production indices (М)
  • Table Sown area of main agricultural crops (Y)
  • Table Production of main agricultural crops (Y)
  • Table Livestock numbers (Y)
  • Table Production of main types of animal products (Y)
  • Table Extraction of aquatic bioresources (Y)

Agricultural production (at constant prices of 2021, mln.UAH)
  Lvivska oblast
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
All categories of enterprises                  
Agricultural production - total 36176.637075.939421.240864.041133.743015.446229.647740.448052.3
Crop production 23469.924657.526603.127682.828440.430255.533069.534969.335442.3
Animal production 12706.712418.412818.113181.212693.312759.913160.112771.112610.0
Agricultural production - total 15194.316465.418717.220364.920294.721803.925064.626840.427621.7
Crop production 11667.112812.814548.815664.215806.417004.619325.320691.421044.8
Animal production 3527.23652.64168.44700.74488.34799.35739.36149.06576.9
Agricultural production - total 20982.320610.520704.020499.120839.021211.521165.020900.020430.6
Crop production 11802.811844.712054.312018.612634.013250.913744.214277.914397.5
Animal production 9179.58765.88649.78480.58205.07960.67420.86622.16033.1
The list of settlements of administrative-territorial division (variable Territory) is presented in transliteration.

The English version of some transliterated Ukrainian words is presented below:
Region = rehion / oblast
2022-2023 - Data may be revised.

Agricultural production indices (percent)
  Lvivska oblast
Previous year=100%
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
All categories of enterprises                  
Agricultural production - total 96.9102.5106.3103.7100.7104.6107.5103.3100.7
Crop production 96.2105.1107.9104.1102.7106.4109.3105.7101.4
Animal production 98.297.7103.2102.896.3100.5103.197.098.7
Agricultural production - total 95.1108.4113.7108.899.7107.4115.0107.1102.9
Crop production 94.3109.8113.5107.7100.9107.6113.6107.1101.7
Animal production 97.6103.6114.1112.895.5106.9119.6107.1107.0
Agricultural production - total 98.398.2100.599.0101.7101.899.898.797.8
Crop production 98.1100.4101.899.7105.1104.9103.7103.9100.8
Animal production 98.495.598.798.096.897.
2022-2023 - Data may be revised.

Agricultural production indices
  Lvivska oblast
Agricultural production indices (corresponding period of the previous year=100%)
January January-February January-March January-April January-May January-June January-July January-August January-September January-October January-November January-December
All categories of enterprises                        
2020 93.3100.096.895.094.792.987.094.295.494.699.8104.4
2021 105.5100.6102.7104.4104.5104.398.9105.3102.2109.3108.6107.6
2022 116.5......................
Agricultural enterprises                        
2020 91.4102.195.691.990.384.875.
2021 111.0102.9107.5113.3116.3118.998.6108.5101.2119.7116.8115.1
2022 128.2......................
2020 96.597.498.297.998.
2021 97.097.497.496.996.496.599.1102.6102.8101.4101.1100.3
2022 95.6......................

Sown area of main agricultural crops (thous.ha)
  Lvivska oblast
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Agricultural crops 638.3662.0679.8674.9698.4712.7717.6746.0747.1
Cereal and leguminous crops 302.2304.5297.0295.9318.1306.6318.5326.5311.9
Wheat 180.8173.5159.9171.0180.7174.7167.1177.7173.9
Barley 49.356.652.250.055.539.938.435.531.4
Corn 39.939.940.240.855.766.586.786.778.5
Oat 16.716.214.813.112.713.312.612.713.4
Buckwheat 6.75.810.
Leguminous crops
Industrial crops 119.5137.8168.5168.9162.3191.0193.8212.5230.2
Sunflower 11.426.735.234.225.630.540.543.539.3
Sugar beet 12.413.215.711.611.012.614.215.014.7
Rapeseeds and spring rapeseeds 52.845.256.668.665.867.051.346.656.0
Potatoes 94.594.094.794.394.294.895.598.999.4
Vegetable crops 25.125.525.626.136.542.142.343.243.6
Fodder crops 96.9100.194.089.687.378.267.464.862.0
Fodder roots 12.512.512.311.310.
Fodder corn
Fruits and berries 14.414.414.815.
2022-2023 - The information is based on the assessment carried out in accordance with paragraph 3 of Section VI and Section X of the Methodological provisions of the state statistical observation 'Areas, gross harvest and yield of crops' (Order of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine No. 201 dated 01.06.2023) and Section IV of the Methodology for calculating the sndicators of the state statistical observation 'Areas, gross harvest and yield of crops' (Order of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine No. 296 dated 30.11.2021, as amended). Data may be revised.

Production of main agricultural crops (thous.dt)
  Lvivska oblast
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Cereal and leguminous crops 13663.314288.414169.714400.016437.316074.218278.619045.517713.0
Wheat 8368.18072.87814.47760.98634.67845.48243.89117.88465.3
Barley 2163.52617.62557.22320.02558.31767.61834.91784.31405.3
Corn 2440.62769.92710.33582.14589.05846.47550.07535.47201.9
Oat 441.8411.6390.1252.2324.2334.6340.0340.0360.7
Buckwheat 38.569.992.348.121.627.736.973.9103.5
Leguminous crops 61.7180.7380.4230.4120.959.361.466.467.3
Soybean 760.91114.41330.71546.51596.92289.72637.92898.63701.1
Sunflower 277.9676.2736.8797.9726.5847.91017.21088.31033.0
Sugar beet 5829.76778.58092.36719.36189.87230.98484.711092.19679.1
Rapeseeds and colza 1412.01183.31758.92074.61845.31721.21773.61766.81924.1
Potatoes 16224.716188.616937.816981.615728.416011.316813.618309.518266.8
Vegetable crops 4835.45056.65110.65128.37091.28066.78291.88474.48590.3
Fodder roots 3968.53987.34141.63898.33616.63202.22862.72752.92656.6
Fodder corn 530.4617.0580.1654.1707.1749.2592.0513.4595.3
Fruit and berry crops 1067.21076.31142.61374.91226.21405.31309.31424.01464.7
Grain and leguminous crops are given in terms of post-processing weight (dry clean weight).

The list of settlements of administrative-territorial division (variable Territory) is presented in transliteration.

The English version of some transliterated Ukrainian words is presented below:
Region = rehion / oblast

2022-2023 - The information is based on the assessment carried out in accordance with paragraph 3 of Section VI and Section X of the Methodological provisions of the state statistical observation 'Areas, gross harvest and yield of crops' (Order of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine No. 201 dated 01.06.2023) and Section IV of the Methodology for calculating the sndicators of the state statistical observation 'Areas, gross harvest and yield of crops' (Order of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine No. 296 dated 30.11.2021, as amended). Data may be revised.

Livestock numbers (as of January 1; thous. heads)
  Lvivska oblast
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Cattle - total 210.3203.4195.3184.0170.9157.3144.3126.799.083.4
Including cows 136.7129.7121.3112.6103.694.384.875.964.458.1
Pigs 340.0348.6356.7373.2417.3332.4362.7435.3464.4424.5
Sheep and goats 31.330.530.734.231.631.531.829.827.225.5
Poultry 8682.88241.27529.48532.89114.49914.910305.811576.911065.711014.5
As of 01.01.2023-01.01.2024 information is given taking into account the assessment carried out in accordance with paragraph 3 of section VI of the Methodological Provisions of the State Statistical Survey 'Production of livestock products, number of farm animals and their feed' (State Statistics Service' order of 23.06.2023 No. 222) and Section V of the Methodology for calculating the indicators of state statistical observation 'Production of livestock products, the number of farm animals and their supply of feed' (State Statistics Service' order of 30.11.2021 No. 295, with changes). Data may be revised.

Production of main types of animal products (thous. t)
  Lvivska oblast
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Slaughter of livestock (in live weight) 170.4174.6179.2184.3182.1180.2203.5202.4208.3
Milk 571.2543.2528.3506.7480.9460.1425.3387.5322.9
Eggs, mln pieces 536.6546.1556.1561.5581.1579.2598.8602.0617.5
Wool, t 141317191918141314
2022-2023 - Information is given taking into account the assessment carried out in accordance with paragraph 3 of section VI of the Methodological Provisions of the State Statistical Survey 'Production of livestock products, number of farm animals and their feed' (State Statistics Service' order of 23.06.2023 No. 222) and Section V of the Methodology for calculating the indicators of state statistical observation 'Production of livestock products, the number of farm animals and their supply of feed' (State Statistics Service' order of 30.11.2021 No. 295, with changes). Data may be revised.

Extraction of aquatic bioresources (t)
  Lvivska oblast
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Extraction of aquatic bioresources – total 846809777816876755656103710311023
Including fish 846809777816875755656103710311023
Among them - carp 640570584553650500470777790803
Notes: text
The list of settlements of administrative-territorial division (variable Territory) is presented in transliteration.

The English version of some transliterated Ukrainian words is presented below:
Region = rehion / oblast

Information for 2022-2023 has been compiled on the basis of reports actually submitted by enterprises and administrative data of the State Fisheries Agency regarding the extraction of aquatic biological resources by natural persons-entrepreneurs. Data may be revised.

(Y,Q,M) - time interval : (Year, Quarter, Month )
  • Graph Agricultural production indices (2010 = 100%) (Y)
  • Graph Structure of agricultural production (at constant prices of 2016)
  • Graph Agricultural production indices (corresponding period of the previous year=100%) (M)
  • Graph Agricultural output indices (Annual)
*- data for 2022 may be revised.
*- data may be revised.
2010=100% 2015=100% prevoius year=100%
GROSS PRODUCTION OF PERENNIAL CROPS - is the total amount of products of the fruit and berry plantations, vineyard, which is harvested from the total area of the plantation.
GROSS PRODUCTION OF MAIN CROPS - is the total amount of products of non-perennial and biannual crops harvested from basic, repeated, inter-row sowing. Production of grain and pulse crops, sunflower seeds during the harvesting period is given in the initially received weight (crops weight after harvesting), for the year in total – in the post-processing weight (initially received weight of crops excluding unused waste (post-harvest processing losses: clearing of the weeds and straw particles, pods and other impurities) and losses at drying (bringing the grain to the basic conditions)).
LIVE WEIGHT SOLD (FOR SUBSEQUENT SLAUGHTER) - livestock live-weight quantity sold for slaughter (commercial slaughter) and / or meat at their establishment (home slaughter), irrespective of where the slaughter took place: directly at the establishment or slaughterhouse, and live weight gain of livestock intended for fattening, feeding and breeding, which was obtained by fattening plants and cattle breeding processing plants from purchased animals.
SLAUGHTER WEIGHT OF FARM ANIMAL - is the total slaughter mass (meat, raw fat, edible offal) of farm animals obtained both during the sale for slaughter (product slaughter) and at internal slaughter of animals for meat, regardless of the place the slaughter was done: directly at the enterprise.
AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION INDEX - reflects relative level of changes in total physical volumes of agricultural products (output) produced over certain periods of time chosen for comparison.
EGG PRODUCTION - is the total number of eggs obtained from all kinds of poultry, including those lost due to the creaking, being off, etc., as well as used to obtain young stock (incubation) by sitting hen or in the incubator.
NUMBER OF FARM ANIMALS - is the indicator characterizing the presence of certain species of farm animals (in general or by class groups) as of the reporting date
MILK PRODUCTION (GROSS MILK YIELD) -is the total amount of actually produced milk from cows, buffalo cows, sheep, female goats and horses, and other females of farm animals
WOOL PRODUCTION (GROSS SHEARING) - the total amount of wool actually obtained from shearing live sheep and goats, including wool used for internal needs.
VOLUME OF PESTICIDES USED - amount of pesticide (in active substance) used to protect against pests.
VOLUME OF FERTILIZER APPLIED - is amount of mineral fertilizers (on the basic of 100% active substance) and organic fertilizers (in terms of weight), applied to increase plant nutrients and soil's fertility.
AREA OF PERENNIAL PLANTATIONS - is the area of isolated gardens, berry fields, vineyards and other perennial plantations, as well as the area under trees and bushes that grow individually regardless of the plantations’age.
SOWN AREA (CROPPED AREA) - is a part of arable land or other cultivated land actually occupied by crops for the current year. The crop area takes into account the areas under winter crops that were sown in the fall of the previous year and survived up to the end of spring sowing, and area occupied by spring crops for the current year’s harvest.
AREA SOWN (WITH ADJUSTMENTS) - area of land actually occupied by crops for the current year’s harvest.
AREA TREATED WITH FERTILIZER / PESTICIDE - area where fertilizers (mineral, organic) and pesticides have been applied for the current year’s harvest.
PESTICIDE CONSUMPTION PER HECTARE OF AREA SOWM /AGRICULTURAL LAND - total pesticide consumption per hectare of area sown.
PROPORTIONS OF AREA TREATED WITH FERTILIZER / PESTICIDE - the ratio of the area treated with fertilizers / pesticides to the area sown with a specific crop. - the ratio of the area treated with fertilizers to the area sown with a specific crop.
AVERAGE PRICES OF THE AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS (PRODUCER PRICES) - is the unit value received by enterprises for a specific agricultural commodity produced since the beginning of the year, taking into account its quality, but excluding costs of transport and forwarding, overhead costs, VAT, subsidies.
CROP YIELD - is average amount of the specified crop production per unit of the actual harvested area of this crop, which is calculated as the ratio of the gross yield of the main, repeated and inter-row crops to the area of the crop actually harvested (for perennial plantings - as the ratio of the area of production (gross yield) of the crop at the fruiting age) .
FOREST RESTORATION - works related to reforestation of forest areas covered with forest vegetation (cutting,fires,etc.) and afforestation of land areas not previously created by the forest.
INDUSTRIAL ROUNDWOOD - are all assortiment of roundwood except fuelwood.
FUELWOOD - are roundwood which are used as fuel for cooking, heating or energy production. Includes woods products used to produce charcoal, pellets and other agglomerates and wood chips derived from roundwood directly in the forest to be used as fuel.
WOOD (TIMBER) HARVESTING FROM MAIN USE CUTTINGS - is volume of timber harvesting during the special use of forest resources that are produced in mature stands and overmature stands.
VALUE OF SOLD FOREST PRODUCTS - is determined by the sale price of the shipped finished forest products which is stated in the executed documents as the basis for settlement (charges) with the buyers (customers) including products under a barter contract, excluding VAT.
TIMBER (INDUSTRIAL ROUNDWOOD) HARVEST - is a group of wood materials used for needs of production and population in round form. Includes all assortiment of roundwood except fuelwood.
ROUNDWOOD HARVEST - total amount of cutting and delivering wood which can be used for economic purposes.
HUNTING GROUNDS/ DISTRICTS - an area of land and water (forests, fields, meadows, bogs,lakes) on which game animals inhabit and which can be used for hunting or catching (trapping, shooting) of these animals.
GAME ANIMALS - are wild animals and birds who can be subjects to hunting. The information on the count and harvest of game animal collect by about enterprises-legal entities whereabouts who use hunting district.
CATCHING AQUATIC BIORESOURCES - production/catching is the total volume of a catch of aquatic biological resources extracted from all fishery water bodies or their parts (seas, oceans, ponds, rivers, reservoirs, lakes and other water bodies) as for the purpose of selling to processing enterprises, trade organizations, etc. and for further processing at our own enterprise, regardless of the purpose of their further use: the production of food, technical, feed, medical and other types of products. In enterprises engaged in fish farming, in the volume of catching live fish, fish is also taken into account, which is outweighed and transplanted from feeding ponds to winter ponds.
AVERAGE PRICE PER TONNE OF AQUATIC BIORESOURCES EXTRACTED - total cost of a unit of aquatic biological resources sold in the reporting year, excluding value added tax, excise and other indirect taxes, calculated as the ratio of the total cost of production sold to total of harvest volume. Cost to Harvest per Ton


The information contains on the charts on the distribution of agricultural products, the composition of production of crops and animal production by species.


Agriculture and Environment Statistics Data Analysis Division

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Main Statistical Office in Lviv Region
Main Statistical Office in Lviv Region

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