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Lviv Region Statistics | Domestic Trade, Services
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Domestic trade, services

  • Tables
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  • Infographics
  • Table Retail trade turnover (Y)
  • Table Retail trade turnover (M)
  • Table Retail turnover of enterprises (Y)
  • Table Wholesale trade turnover of wholesale trade enterprises (Y)
  • Table Volume of services sold by major type of economic activities (Y)
  • Table Main indicators of enterprises' activity of the services sector (Q)

Retail trade turnover
  Lvivska oblast
2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Retail trade turnover, mln UAH 51437.457825.166601.970602.289383.7
Retail turnover volume index (previous year=100%), % 112.5105.3107.8103.3117.2
Retail trade turnover per capita, UAH 2029922859264612818635927
Data of retail trade turnover includes retail turnover of economic entities - legal entities and individual entrepreneurs whose main economic activity is retail trade, according to the Classification of Economic Activities (CTEA) (harmonized with NACE Rev.2).

The list of settlements of administrative-territorial division (variable Territory) is presented in transliteration.

The English version of some transliterated Ukrainian words is presented below:
Region = rehion / oblast

Retail trade turnover
  Lvivska oblast
January January-February January-March January-April January-May January-June January-July January-August January-September January-October January-November January-December
Retail trade turnover, mln UAH                        
2020 5638.511124.716471.320117.725279.830898.836686.143615.549496.956552.462954.670602.2
2021 5736.412067.818938.925414.532788.540340.948291.856186.763988.372091.379974.089464.9
2022 8147.8......................
Retail trade turnover volume index (corresponding period of the previous year=100%)                        
2020 114.8115.9110.3100.299.599.899.4101.8101.5103.0103.0103.3
2021 96.9102.2107.9116.7119.6121.8120.8120.2120.1118.7118.1117.3
2022 128.7......................
Average monthly retail trade turnover per capita, UAH                        
2020 2235.72214.22185.62002.12012.62050.02086.32170.32189.32251.22278.22348.8
2021 2283.52415.72527.42543.72625.42691.82762.02811.82846.42886.22910.72984.8
2022 3287.9......................
Beginning in January 2017 introduced a new methodology and accounting system volume retail trade turnover, performance accounted entities (legal entities and individual entrepreneurs), the main economic activity which is the only retail.
Comparing the data with similar data from previous years is incorrect.

The list of settlements of administrative-territorial division (variable Territory) is presented in transliteration.

The English version of some transliterated Ukrainian words is presented below:
Region = rehion / oblast

Retail turnover of enterprises
  Lvivska oblast
2017 2018 2019 2020
Retail turnover, mln UAH 37054.242943.949898.353113.9
Retail turnover volume index (previous year=100%), % 111.8108.6108.8103.7
Retail turnover per capita, UAH 14636170021982521204
Beginning in January 2017 introduced a new methodology and accounting system volume retail trade turnover, performance accounted entities (legal entities and individual entrepreneurs), the main economic activity which is the only retail.

Comparing the data with similar data from previous years is incorrect.

The data are given without taking into account turnover of objects belonging to individual persons-entrepreneurs.

The data on money equivalent are given at actual prices, volume index – at comparable prices.

The list of settlements of administrative-territorial division (variable Territory) is presented in transliteration.

The English version of some transliterated Ukrainian words is presented below:
Region = rehion / oblast

Wholesale trade turnover of wholesale trade enterprises
  Lvivska oblast
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Wholesale trade turnover - total, mln UAH 39393.141664.039196.341679.636354.237894.443280.559296.664574.684299.1139111.9
Food products, mln UAH 6657.17620.16521.77236.59356.010272.012457.717081.818597.021341.325925.5
Food products in the wholesale trade turnover, % 16.918.316.617.425.727.128.828.828.825.318.6
Non-food products, mln UAH 32736.034043.932674.634443.126998.227622.430822.842214.845977.662957.8113186.4
Non-food products in the wholesale trade turnover, % 83.181.783.482.674.372.971.
Data of retail trail turnover is provided on legal entities and individual entrepreneurs whose main economic activity is retail trade.
The volume of wholesale turnover is taken into account in the current prices without VAT and excise duty.

The list of settlements of administrative-territorial division (variable Territory) is presented in transliteration.

The English version of some transliterated Ukrainian words is presented below:
Region = rehion / oblast

Volume of services sold by major type of economic activities
  Lvivska oblast
2019 2020 2021
thous. UAH % of the total thous. UAH % of the total thous. UAH % of the total
Total 39578437.6100.037618983.9100.053152287.8100.0
Transportation, storage, postal and courier activities 14324534.936.213826783.536.819787132.637.2
Temporary accommodation and food service activities 2753210.27.0921320.82.41932036.93.6
Information and telecommunications 7670923.519.48374877.622.310126599.819.1
Real estate activities 4765572.712.04745115.012.67977490.915.0
Professional, scientific and technical activities 2964834.57.52836755.57.53537420.16.7
Administrative and support service activities 3266919.68.23298529.18.84637896.28.7
Education 1154922.52.91258789.23.31538952.02.9
Human health and social work activities 2172384.65.51983189.85.33192668.56.0
Arts, sports, entertainment and recreation 386911.41.0260974.80.7278179.50.5
Other service activities 118223.70.3112648.60.3143911.30.3
Data are presented according to the Classification of Types of Economic Activity (SC 009:2010).

The list of settlements of administrative-territorial division (variable Territory) is presented in transliteration.

The English version of some transliterated Ukrainian words is presented below:
Region = rehion / oblast

Main indicators of enterprises' activity of the services sector (thous. UAH)
  Lvivska oblast
Volume of services sold for quarter        
2019 9286760.69472398.910249894.110569384.0
2020 9438964.37725130.59702581.010752308.1
2021 11324963.812142146.813962409.715722767.5
Cumulative volume of services sold        
2019 9286760.618759159.529009053.639578437.6
2020 9438964.317164094.826866675.837618983.9
2021 11324963.823467110.637429520.353152287.8
Volume of services sold to population for quarter        
2019 1851442.81961353.72091767.22252088.1
2020 1911678.61107480.11655681.51940645.6
2021 2054919.22162311.02336243.02551344.1
Cumulative volume of services sold to population for quarter        
2019 1851442.83812796.55904563.78156651.8
2020 1911678.63019158.74674840.26615485.8
2021 2054919.24217230.26553473.29104817.3

  • Graph Percentage increase (decrease) in retail trade turnover (previous year=100%) (Y)
  • Graph Structure of sold services volumes by type of economic activity (Y)
  • Graph Volume indices of retail trade turnover (corresponding period of the previous year=100%) (M)

(Y,Q,M) - time interval : (Year, Quarter, Month )
RETAIL TRADE - is a type of economic activities of business entities in sale (without processing) of new and used goods intended mainly for consumption by citizens (private persons) or households to the population in stores, department stores, shops and stalls, parcel trade companies, commercial intermediaries, etc. (codes according to the Classification of Types of Economic Activity (KVED) – 50.10.2, 50.30.2, 50.40.2, 50.50.0, 52.1, 52.2, 52.3, 52.4, 52.5, 52.6).
CATERING INDUSTRY - is a type of economic activities of business entities regarding provision of dining services to meet the consumers' needs in catering industry establishments (facilities) with or without leisure activities (codes according to KVED – 55.3, 55.4, 55.5).
TOTAL SALES OF CONSUMER GOODS - include retail trade and catering industry turnover.
RETAIL TRADE TURNOVER - includes retail turnover of economic entities - legal entities that operate in retail trade and estimated sales volumes of consumer goods in markets and by individual entrepreneurs
CATERING INDUSTRY TURNOVER - is sales of the purchased goods and retail trade in own-produced goods through catering industry network (restaurants, cafes, bars, canteens, etc.) directly to the population. Retail turnover of catering industry includes food products dispatch from catering industry network and retail chain to establishments of health care, social security and education (hospital, preventive institutions, recreation centres, residential care homes for the elderly and disabled, establishments of general education, preschool education, boarding schools) to arrange catering for the respective population segments.
Catering industry turnover includes retail turnover of business entities - legal entities and individual entrepreneurs that carry out activities in catering industry.
- is defined as a volume of sales of consumer goods to the population through a retail chain and a restaurant chain by all active enterprises, as well as by industrial, transport and other noncommercial enterprises directly to the population through the company's cash desk. Moreover, retail turnover includes sales of food products through a retail store chain to establishments, organizations and enterprises for catering groups of people (in health resorts, children's institutions, hospitals, etc.).
RETAIL TURNOVER - is sales of consumer goods directly to the population (both for cash and for paychecks of banking institutions, bank payment cards) through arranged consumer market, i.e. a specially arranged trading network (stores, pharmacies, booths, kiosks, refueling stations, street hawking and retail delivery trade) by all active enterprises, including commercial intermediaries. In addition, retail turnover includes sale of food products through trade network to institutions, organizations and enterprises for catering the population segments they service (in sanatoriums, children's institutions, hospitals, etc.)
Retail turnover is determined in actual sale prices at the time of the goods dispatch to the buyer, regardless of the payment time, including sale of goods received by the trade enterprise (object) under the terms of commission (consignment) contracts.
CATERING INDUSTRY TURNOVER - is sales of the purchased goods and retail trade in own-produced goods through catering industry network (restaurants, cafes, bars, canteens, etc.) directly to the population. Retail turnover of catering industry includes food products dispatch from catering industry network and retail chain to establishments of health care, social security and education (hospital, preventive institutions, recreation centres, residential care homes for the elderly and disabled, establishments of general education, preschool education, boarding schools) to arrange catering for the respective population segments.
Catering industry turnover includes retail turnover of business entities - legal entities and individual entrepreneurs that carry out activities in catering industry.
RETAIL TURNOVER FROM OF LIGHT-OIL PRODUCTS SALE - is volume of sales of light-oil products (both for cash and for paychecks of banking institutions, bank payment cards, vouchers, smart cards, etc.) through a specially arranged trading network (refueling stations) directly to the population for personal (non-commercial) consumption by all active enterprises and individual entrepreneurs who have refueling stations.
Retail turnover is determined in actual sale prices at the time of the goods dispatch to the buyer, regardless of the payment time, including sale of goods received by the trade enterprise (object) under the terms of commission (consignment) contracts.
RETAIL TURNOVER OF ENTERPRISES PER ONE PERSON - is the ratio of retail turnover volume vs average number of present (enumerated) population.
RETAIL TURNOVER VOLUME INDEX - is a relative indicator that characterizes the change in the actual turnover volume over time at comparable prices. Change in the turnover over time takes place due to the goods sold and change of their price.
CATERING INDUSTRY FACILITY (ESTABLISHMENT) - is a local unit (structural division) of a business entity located in a separate building or premises, having a hall, as a rule, equipped with tables and chairs for meals and necessary production and utility space, in which own-produced and purchased goods are sold mainly for on-site consumption
RETAIL TRADE FACILITY (ESTABLISHMENT) - is a local unit (structural division) of an economic entity where consumer goods are sold directly to the population for personal consumption.
STALLS, TENTS - is a kind of semi-stationary retail trade facility occupying separate premises of light structure, usually without sales area, and having simple equipment.
STORE (SHOP) - is a stationary retail trade facility located in a separate building or premises, having sales area for buyers with sufficient sales space for their servicing and system of special premises (for storing goods, preparing them for sale, utility, administrative, technical rooms, etc.), equipped with commercial and technological equipment, applying various forms of sales of wide range of goods, providing additional services to the population, ensuring high culture of trade. Shops sizes are characterized by their sales area.
FILLING (REFUELING) STATION - is a kind of facility for semi-permanent retail trade in fuel for motor vehicles using special equipment (including compressed natural gas (CNG) and liquefied natural gas (LNG) fueling stations).
MARKET - is an economic entity or its separated unit set up in the prescribed manner on the allocated land plot pursuant to decision of local executive body or local self-government body, the functional role of which is to render services and create the appropriate conditions for sellers and buyers in the course of purchase-sale of goods at prices that depend on demand and supply.
STALL - is the area allocated for the stock (scales, trays, etc.) required for trade, and products sale from counters (tables), vehicles, trailers, trolleys (including hand trucks) in containers, kiosks, tents, etc Stalls in markets do not include stores and catering industry facilities.
EXCHANGE - is an enterprise with the legal entity rights that participates in setting up wholesale market of goods, raw materials, products, securities, real estate through public bidding in accordance with established rules.
COMMODITIES EXCHANGE - is engaged in operations in the market of consumer goods, raw materials, industrial goods.
STOCK EXCHANGE - covers securities market
SECURITIES - are financial documents certifying the right of ownership or loan relations, determining relations between the entity that issued them and their owner and providing for income payment in the form of dividends or interest
EXCHANGE MEMBERS - are founders as well as domestic and foreign legal entities and natural persons that joined the in accordance with the rules of exchange
BROKERAGE OFFICE - is an organization with the rights of a legal entity registered in due course. To participate in biding brokerage office concludes a brokerage agreement with the stock exchange or an agreement on opening a brokerage office at the exchange. Right to conclude an agreement with the stock exchange is obtained by the brokerage office either through purchase of the exchanges stock items or through purchase of broker site at the exchange.
BROKERS - are intermediaries in conclusion of sales agreements between buyers and sellers of goods, securities, currencies; acting on behalf and at the expense of clients receiving certain fee for the intermediary services.
TRADING - is a competitive way for the purchase of goods and other valuables in the course of which the buyer announces competition for sellers of goods and other valuables offered for trading
TRANSACTION - is an action aimed at establishment, modification or termination of civil rights or obligations. A transaction is deemed to be consummate and subject to initial registration at the moment of its registration at the exchange in due course.
AUTHORIZED CAPITAL - is an indicator reflecting the financial potential of the exchange and is formed at the expense of the exchange founders and members. It represents the maximum number of ordinary and preferred shares (equity positions) the exchange may issue as envisaged by the rules of exchange
INTEREST INCOME FROM TRANSACTIONS - is the amount of commission collected based on interest rate of the transactions value established by the exchange.
AVERAGE INTEREST OF EXCHANGE FEE - is determined by the ratio of income amounts by transactions interest and trading participation contributions to exchange turnover volume.
VOLUME OF SERVICES SOLD - is the volume of services determined by the sale price of the finished products (performed services) dispatched outside the enterprise indicated in the documents drawn up as the basis for settlements with customers (clients) (including products (services) under a barter contract), including indirect taxes (VAT, excise duty, etc.). The indicator does not include own products for internal needs of the enterprise, amount of target revenues for production, prepayment amounts (advance payments).
VOLUME INDEX OF SERVICES SOLD - is a relative indicator that characterizes the change in the actual volume of services sold over time at comparable prices.


Lviv region in figures


Trade and Services Statistics Data Analysis Division

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