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Lviv Region Statistics | Prices
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  • Table Consumer price indices by main consumption groups (December of the previous year=100%) (Y)
  • Table Consumer price indices (previous month=100%) (M)
  • Table Consumer price indices (corresponding month of the previous year=100%) (M)
  • Table Consumer price indices (December of the previous year=100%) (M)
  • Table Consumer price indices by main consumption groups (December of the previous year=100%) (M)

Consumer price indices by main consumption groups (December of the previous year=100%)
  Lvivska oblast
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Consumer price index 145.2111.9113.0110.1104.2105.3108.9126.4105.0111.8
Foodstuffs and non-alcoholic beverages 141.6103.7116.1108.3105.5105.1110.9133.6104.3114.0
   Foodstuffs 140.6104.0116.3108.5105.7105.2111.8133.9104.3114.4
      Bread and bakery products 145.1107.7108.8115.4109.2109.5114.8136.397.4113.5
      Meat and meat products 121.0108.4129.3108.3104.1102.9111.4124.0112.7103.2
      Fish and fish products 146.4100.7100.8111.9106.4104.5105.9144.3108.0114.2
      Milk, cheese and eggs 135.8109.9121.9106.7104.5107.1110.2131.9103.2115.3
      Oil and fats 147.0116.9113.5105.3103.3105.1121.0118.999.6125.4
      Fruits 127.992.9137.483.6122.6114.490.1190.4100.9119.1
      Vegetables 161.861.5123.9136.096.184.9116.4153.3106.8147.0
   Non-alcoholic beverages 155.6102.4107.8106.9103.1102.997.9125.3104.2107.8
Spirits, tabacco products 122.2121.2120.2116.1111.3110.5108.0118.9110.0110.3
Clothing and footwear 141.2109.399.9100.3103.095.1101.4110.193.8100.1
Housing, water, electricity, gas and other fuels 224.5143.3112.0110.692.6117.8105.4111.3111.2118.1
   Payment for individual housing (rent) 100.7113.8146.7115.8100.0101.5110.9105.7108.0108.7
   Maintenance and repair of housing 130.5113.1105.6108.5101.899.5107.0130.9102.599.7
   Sewerage 109.4116.1103.0113.1113.5124.7108.6115.8100.0100.0
   Water 111.4123.5130.0113.5112.6134.8108.8113.4100.0100.0
   Electricity 109.4160.0128.1100.0100.0100.0126.5100.0169.7163.6
   Natural gas 363.6145.8101.2122.973.7158.4100.1100.1100.0100.0
   Hot water, central heating 185.4193.7100.3101.9113.676.5100.3100.0100.0100.0
Housewares, household appliances 141.0109.0103.1107.3100.599.2104.3122.498.899.4
   Furniture and furnishings, carpets 123.3108.7109.5112.4102.1102.0109.2123.7101.996.3
   Household appliances 146.5112.6103.9106.396.199.6101.6119.093.7101.7
Health care 130.2108.6108.3108.8103.6107.5105.0118.2109.8117.9
   Pharmaceutical products, medical products 132.2108.5108.2107.0102.8108.5105.5119.6107.1117.5
   Out-patient services 122.7110.9107.3111.3106.3106.9102.2117.0119.1117.6
Transport 120.9112.1115.9112.799.7101.3112.5144.7102.8107.0
   Purchase of transportation means 143.0110.5100.1103.699.2108.395.7127.899.6107.2
   Fuel and oils (lubricants) 113.0119.6121.9109.593.087.4123.8174.9100.3104.8
   Transport services 127.4102.3124.9127.9107.5103.7123.2135.6112.2107.2
Communications 107.4103.2108.1113.5108.1102.6105.8114.3100.7109.2
Leisure and culture 141.3106.3102.9103.297.895.7104.5108.596.399.7
Education 119.6114.6112.4113.6112.4118.3111.1110.9118.3111.0
   Preschool and primary education 164.1124.2110.0112.0110.9106.0107.2124.0147.1106.3
   Secondary education 111.9110.4119.9113.1109.1108.0113.0108.0116.1108.6
   Higher education 108.9111.8111.8114.0113.2123.2112.4110.8116.1112.5
Restaurants and hotels 127.8115.6112.3115.4109.699.5108.3127.3116.0110.3
Miscellaneous goods and services 135.4104.9110.3119.7100.8115.1110.9118.0109.2105.9
The list of settlements of administrative-territorial division (variable Territory) is presented in transliteration.

The English version of some transliterated Ukrainian words is presented below:
Region = rehion / oblast

Consumer price indices (previous month=100%)
  January February March April May June July August September October November December
2023 100.8100.7101.5100.2100.5100.899.498.6100.5100.8100.5100.7
2024 100.4100.3100.5100.2100.6102.2100.0100.6101.5101.8101.9101.4
2025 101.2100.8....................
Lvivska oblast                        
2023 101.0101.0101.299.8100.3101.198.898.8100.9100.7100.6100.7
2024 100.7100.4100.3100.1100.5102.199.9100.4101.5101.8101.9101.6
2025 101.3100.6....................
The list of settlements of administrative-territorial division (variable Territory) is presented in transliteration.

The English version of some transliterated Ukrainian words is presented below:
Region = rehion / oblast

Starting from April 2014, data on Ukraine are given excluding the temporarily occupied territory of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, the city of Sevastopol and part of the temporarily occupied territories in the Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts.

Lvivska oblast
In Lvivska oblast consumer price indices are being calculated starting from 1999.

Consumer price indices (corresponding month of the previous year=100%)
  January February March April May June July August September October November December
2023 126.0124.9121.3117.9115.3112.8111.3108.6107.1105.3105.1105.1
2024 104.7104.3103.2103.2103.3104.8105.4107.5108.6109.7111.2112.0
2025 112.9113.4....................
Lvivska oblast                        
2023 125.6124.9122.2119.0115.8112.9111.2108.2107.4105.6105.6105.0
2024 104.7104.0103.1103.4103.6104.7105.8107.5108.2109.4110.8111.8
2025 112.4112.6....................
The list of settlements of administrative-territorial division (variable Territory) is presented in transliteration.

The English version of some transliterated Ukrainian words is presented below:
Region = rehion / oblast

Starting from April 2014, data on Ukraine are given excluding the temporarily occupied territory of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, the city of Sevastopol and part of the temporarily occupied territories in the Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts.

Consumer price indices (December of the previous year=100%)
  January February March April May June July August September October November December
2023 100.8101.5103.0103.2103.8104.6104.0102.5103.0103.8104.4105.1
2024 100.4100.7101.2101.4102.0104.3104.3104.9106.5108.4110.4112.0
2025 101.2102.0....................
Lvivska oblast                        
2023 101.0102.0103.2103.0103.3104.5103.2102.0102.9103.6104.2105.0
2024 100.7101.1101.4101.5102.0104.2104.1104.5106.0107.9110.0111.8
2025 101.3101.9....................
The list of settlements of administrative-territorial division (variable Territory) is presented in transliteration.

The English version of some transliterated Ukrainian words is presented below:
Region = rehion / oblast

Starting from April 2014, data on Ukraine are given excluding the temporarily occupied territory of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, the city of Sevastopol and part of the temporarily occupied territories in the Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts.

Consumer price indices by main consumption groups (December of the previous year=100%)
January February
Lvivska oblast    
Consumer price index 101.3101.9
Foodstuffs and non-alcoholic beverages 101.4102.5
   Foodstuffs 101.3102.4
      Bread and bakery products 101.6102.4
         Bread 102.5103.1
         Macaroni foods 100.5102.1
      Meat and meat products 100.7101.5
      Fish and fish products 100.6102.3
      Milk, cheese and eggs 98.7100.1
         Milk 101.0101.1
         Cheese and soft cheese (cottage cheese) 102.8104.8
         Eggs 73.075.3
      Oil and fats 100.3102.7
         Butter 99.6100.0
         Sunflower oil 101.2106.2
         Other edible animal fats 98.9100.9
      Fruits 99.8101.0
      Vegetables 105.8106.3
      Sugar 100.3100.5
   Non-alcoholic beverages 104.7106.6
Spirits, tabacco products 103.1103.4
   Alcohol 101.7101.9
   Tobaco 104.2104.6
Clothing and footwear 92.890.4
   Clothing 94.391.8
   Footwear 90.188.2
Housing, water, electricity, gas and other fuels 100.1100.1
   Actual housing fee (rental housing) 100.7100.9
   Maintenance and repair of housing 101.2100.5
   Water supply 100.0100.0
   Garbage collection 100.0100.0
      Sewerage 100.0100.0
      Apartment building management services 100.0100.0
      Еlectricity 100.0100.0
      Natural gas 100.0100.0
      Hot water, heating 100.0100.0
Housewares, household appliances and routine household maintenance 100.0100.3
   Furniture,furnishings, carpets and other kinds of floorings 99.8101.0
   Household textiles 101.0101.0
   Household appliances 101.0100.2
Health care 102.2103.4
   Pharmaceutical products,midical products and equipment 102.7104.4
   Out-patient services 101.0101.5
Transport 101.1101.1
   Purchase of transportation means 100.199.2
   Fuel and oils (lubricants) 102.6103.5
   Transport services 100.0100.0
      Passenger railway transport 101.5102.3
      Passenger road transport 100.0100.0
Communications 108.9108.9
   Telephone and telefax services 111.2111.2
Recreation and culture 100.3100.3
   Audio, photo and data processing equipment 99.999.9
   Recreation services and culture 101.5102.2
   Newspapers, books and stationery 101.0101.6
Education 100.9101.2
   Preschool and primary education 116.8116.8
   Secondary education 100.0100.0
   Higher education 100.0100.0
Restaurants and hotels 101.5104.4
Miscellaneous goods and services 100.7100.6
The list of settlements of administrative-territorial division (variable Territory) is presented in transliteration.

The English version of some transliterated Ukrainian words is presented below:
Region = rehion / oblast

  • Graph Consumer price indices (December of the previous year = 100%) (M)
CONSUMER PRICE INDEX (CPI) - is an indicator that characterizes changes of the overall price level for goods and services purchased by the population for non-productive consumption over time. It reflects changes in the value of fixed consumption bundle of goods and services in the current period as compared to the base one.
PRICES RECORD - is a method of collecting information on prices for goods (services) included in the consumption bundle by a sample of enterprises of trade, services, markets and seasonal fairs selling food products
CPI CALCULATIONS - are based on the data on prices obtained through the record of prices (rates) on the consumer market and national accounts data of household expenditure for final consumption in the country as a whole at the level of sections, groups and classes according to the Classification of Individual Consumption by Purpose. For further distribution, detailed information on consumer cash expenditures of households is used based on household living conditions surveys.
CONSUMPTION BUNDLE OF REPRESENTATIVE GOODS (SERVICES) - is the representative selection of the list of goods and services most often consumed by the population. It is determined centrally and is unique for all regions of the country.
REPRESENTATIVE PRODUCT (SERVICE) - a set of products that are homogeneous in terms of their consumer properties and purpose and have the same tendency in prices change
PRICE - is monetary values of unit of the goods or services
INDUSTRIAL PRODUCER PRICE INDEX - is an indicator of changes over time within industrial production. It is compiled monthly using data on prices for the industrial products which are given according to the Nomenclature of Industrial Products (NIP) by sampling circle of enterprises. The prices are weighed by the volume of sold industrial products in monetary terms.

Consumer Prices

Lviv region in figures


Price Statistics Collection, Assurance and Control Division

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Main Statistical Office in Lviv Region
Main Statistical Office in Lviv Region

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