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Lviv Region Statistics | Income and living conditions of households
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Income and living conditions of households

  • Tables
  • Graphs
  • Databases
  • Glossary
  • Infographics
  • Table Distribution of households by number of members(Y)
  • Table Structure of total household resources (Y)
  • Table Structure of total household expenditures (Y)
  • Table Distribution of households owning selected durables (Y)

Distribution of households by number of members (%)
  Lvivska oblast
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
All households 100.0100.0100.0100.0100.0100.0100.0100.0100.0100.0100.0100.0
one person 19.220.818.418.019.017.817.615.220.218.421.220.0
two persons 22.921.623.922.721.424.524.527.921.727.025.121.0
three persons 20.619.820.824.721.825.623.421.523.919.018.723.4
four persons 20.819.920.517.921.514.619.
five or more persons 16.517.916.416.716.317.515.417.318.118.421.819.1
Percentage of households with children aged under 18 45.245.545.545.645.646.
Percentage of households without children 54.854.554.554.454.454.053.853.853.953.953.853.8
Average household size, persons
The list of settlements of administrative-territorial division (variable Territory) is presented in transliteration.

The English version of some transliterated Ukrainian words is presented below:
Region = rehion / oblast

Structure of total household resources (%)
  Lvivska oblast
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
All total resources 100.0100.0100.0100.0100.0100.0100.0100.0100.0100.0100.0100.0
Monetary income 89.389.392.189.591.989.488.587.890.592.094.395.4
    employment income 50.252.655.154.953.052.055.758.560.664.261.768.2
    entrepreneurial and self-employment incomes
    income from the sales of agricultural products
    pensions, scholarship, allowance and subsidies, provided in cash 25.824.926.125.227.924.019.818.116.314.919.415.5
    allowance from relatives,other people and other income
Value of consumed products that were produced at private subsistence farms or individually procured
Non-cash benefits and subsidies to pay for housing and communal utilities, electricity, fuel
Non-cash benefits to pay for goods and services on health protection, tourist services, to pay for places in recreation etc.,for transportation and communications
Other receipts
The list of settlements of administrative-territorial division (variable Territory) is presented in transliteration.

The English version of some transliterated Ukrainian words is presented below:
Region = rehion / oblast

Structure of total household expenditure (%)
  Lvivska oblast
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Total expenditures 100.0100.0100.0100.0100.0100.0100.0100.0100.0100.0100.0100.0
food products 56.156.955.652.955.557.252.751.750.250.053.950.9
alcoholic beverages
tobacco products
non-food products and services 34.933.935.638.035.234.938.040.640.340.436.339.9
  clothing and footwear
  housing, water, electricity, gas and other fuels
  furnishings, household equipment and routine maintenance of the house
  health care
  recreation and culture
  restaurants and hotels
  miscellaneous goods and services
non-consumption total expenditure
The list of settlements of administrative-territorial division (variable Territory) is presented in transliteration.

The English version of some transliterated Ukrainian words is presented below:
Region = rehion / oblast

Distribution of households owning selected durables (%)
  Lvivska oblast
2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020
Percent of households that have:            
colour television sets 96.197.797.498.496.697.4
video-cassette players and recorders, DVD-players 31.634.126.018.914.2..
digital cameras 28.723.929.021.812.716.9
personal computers, tablets, laptops 25.842.555.176.861.437.8
refrigerators 99.099.698.899.599.199.6
freezers 12.019.926.828.431.043.2
microwave ovens 34.949.646.457.258.672.9
food processors
washing machines
vacuum cleaners 77.181.979.881.484.085.3
sewing machines 27.025.328.116.221.416.9
satellite antennas 15.921.326.132.140.941.6
motorbikes, snowmobiles
bicycles 31.538.237.136.341.048.5
cars 16.419.123.627.518.428.1
mobile phones 88.194.397.598.698.9..
Since 2006 inquiries of households on the aviability of durables is carried out every two years.

Calculations on durables availability to the households conducted according to the sample interview include actual presence of those goods despite their operating time, sources of supply (bought, presented etc), state (either working or broken goods under repair or expected to be repaired are included).

The list of settlements of administrative-territorial division (variable Territory) is presented in transliteration.

The English version of some transliterated Ukrainian words is presented below:
Region = rehion / oblast

  • Graph Structure of household monetary income (Y)
  • Graph Structure of household monetary expenditures(Y)
  • Graph Structure of monetary expenditure of households on foods (Y)
  • Graph Percentage of households owning selected durable goods (Y)
HOUSEHOLD is a group of individuals who live together in a dwelling or its part and make common provision for living, keep a house, are completely or partially united and spend common funds. These individuals can be in blood or in-law relationships, be entirely unrelated or be in both of them. Household can consist of one person
AVERAGE HOUSEHOLD SIZE (PERSONS) is the quantitative composition of households which is calculated by dividing the total population by the number of households.
AVERAGE HOUSEHOLD SIZE PER CONVENTIONAL ADULT is the quantitative composition of the household, calculated using an equivalence scale that assigns a coefficient of 1 to the first member of the household and 0.7 to all others.
PROPORTION OF HOUSEHOLDS HAVE ONE,....., FOUR OR MORE PEOPLE (PERCENTAGE) - calculated as the ratio of numbers households consisting appropriate numbers of persons to the total number of households.
CHILDREN is defined as a person under 18 years of age who is a single.
PROPORTION HOUSEHOLDS WITH ONE, TWO, OR THREE OR MORE CHILDREN (PERCENTAGE) - calculated as the ratio of numbers households consisting appropriate numbers of children to the total number of households with children.
TOTAL HOUSEHOLD EXPENDITURES consist of consumer and non-consumer total expenditures amount. Total expenditures include actually paid household expenditures, value of material receipts, amount of benefits and cashless allowances. Material receipts are estimated at average purchase prices of the corresponding goods.
TOTAL CONSUMPTION EXPENDITURES Total consumption expenditures consist of cash expenditures as well as of the value of food products consumed by a household being received from a personal subsidiary farming and self-stockpiling or donated by relatives and other persons, the amount of benefits received and cashless allowances to cover accommodation expenditures, public utility products and services, the amount of benefits for payment for telephone, travel by transport, tourist services, vacation packages to recreation centres, etc., for payment for medicines, vitamins, other pharmaceutical products, medical services (including dentist services, coming through examinations and receiving procedures, in-patient treatment, etc.).

The methodology for defining consumer expenditures indicators in accordance with the International Classification of Individual Consumption by Purpose (COICOP-HBS (1997)), recommended by the Eurostat, was changed in 2002. This classification is used in household expenditure surveys, as well as for calculating macroeconomic indicators for household sector and CPI (consumer price index). Starting from data for year 2007, work on harmonizing the structure of household consumer expenditures with the Classification of Individual Consumption by Purpose approved by order of the State Statistics Committee of Ukraine No. 480 dated December 29, 2007 has begun.

The following changes have been made to the consumer expenditures structure: household expenditures for services of pre-school establishments are included in "Preschool and Elementary Education" group of "Education" section; expenditures for vacation packages to recreation centres, recreation facilities, children's camps, etc. are included in "Restaurants and hotels" section, namely to the group of expenditures for payment of services related to temporary accommodation. These expenditures were included in "Miscellaneous Goods and Services" and "Leisure and Culture" sections before 2007. Accordingly, benefits for payment of vacation packages to recreation centres, recreation facilities, children's camps, etc. included in total household expenditures, are also included in "Restaurants and Hotels" section.
TOTAL NON-CONSUMPTION EXPENDITURE consist of cash and non-cash household expenditures for assistance to relatives and other persons, real estate purchase, major `repairs, construction of housing and outbuildings, purchase of bovine animals, horses and perennial plantations for the personal subsidiary farming, for purchase of shares, certificates, foreign currency, deposits at banking institutions, alimony, taxes (except for income tax), fees, contributions and other financial payments, used savings, loans and debts repaid by the household.
MONETARY INCOME Monetary income consists of the amount of cash and material (in monetary value) receipts received by the household members in the form of wages (excluding income tax and statutory deductions), income from entrepreneurial activities and self-employment, income from property in the form of interest, dividends , sale of shares and other securities, proceeds from the sale of real estate, personal and household goods, livestock, products of personal subsidiary farming and products obtained by self-stockpiling, pensions, scholarships, social assistance (benefits and cash allowances for payment for housing and public utility services, power supply and fuel, compensatory payments for unused right to sanatorium-resort therapy, travel privilege of certain categories of citizens, etc.), financial assistance from relatives and other persons, as well as other monetary income.
INCOME (ALL) consist of monetary incomes as well as value of consumed products received from personal subsidiary household (excluding current expenditures for its production) as self-stockpiling, amount of non-cash benefits and allowances for payment for housing and public utility services, power supply and fuel, amount of cashless benefits for payment for health care goods and services, tourism services, vacation packages to recreation centres, etc., for payment of transport and communication services, cost of food products granted by relatives and other persons.
TOTAL HOUSEHOLD RESOURCES includes total household income and the sum of the used savings, increased loans, credits, debts that households have acquired as well as debts paid off to households. This indicator shows the potential household resources that were obtained during the reference period regardless of the sources from which they had been derived.
DECILE RATIO OF FUNDS is the correlation of total income is 10% of the richest and 10% of the poorest population.
THE POPULATION ENDOWMENT WITH PER CAPITA EQUIVALENT TOTAL INCOME PER MONTH LOWER THAN SUBSISTENCE MINIMUM is determined based on data of population distribution by equivalent total income level and is the result of the number of persons whose equivalent total income level is lower than the subsistence minimum in force as of the analysis date.
SUBSISTENCE MINIMUM is a monetary value of food products set sufficient for to ensure normal functioning of the human body, preserving its health, as well as a minimum set of non-food products and a minimum set of services necessary to meet the basic social and cultural needs of an individual. Average annual subsistence minimum is calculated as weighted average of the subsistence minimum amounts in force during the reporting year.
EQUIVALENCE SCALES is the system of ratios provided to household members according to their demographic features that reflect reduction of the minimum necessary requirements for one household member at increase of the household size and its compositional change
FOOD PRODUCTS CONSUMPTION IN HOUSEHOLDS is monthly per capita consumption of food products in natural units of measurement (kg, pcs.). Consumed food products are converted into a primary product when calculating this indicator, for example, butter - into milk, sausage - into meat. "Sugar consumption" indicator includes sugar used for confectionery and honey. Consumed food products include consumed products that were purchased, obtained from personal subsidiary farming, from self-stockpiling (during hunting, fishing, in forest, etc.) as well as gifts received, and obtained from other sources during the reporting period
CALCULATIONS OF DURABLE GOODS presence in households conducted based on sample survey, take into account actual availability of these goods, regardless of the useful lifetime, receipt sources (purchased, granted, etc.), condition (both operable and temporarily defective goods that are being currently repaired or await repair).


Presented information on the consumption of basic food products per 1 person, the cost structure and composition of households Lviv region.


Income and living conditions of households

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