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Lviv Region Statistics | Population and migration
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Population and migration

  • Tables
  • Graphs
  • Databases
  • Glossary
  • Infographics
  • Table Number of administrative territorial units (Y)
  • Table Key demographic indicators (Y)
  • Table Key demographic indicators (M)
  • Table Average age of population (Y)
  • Table Average life expectancy at birth (Y)
  • Table Resident population by sex, main age groups and area type (Y)
  • Table Age dependency ratio of population aged 15-64 (Y)
  • Table Number of registered marriages and marriage dissolutions (Y)

Number of administrative territorial unit (at the beginning of year, units)
  Lvivska oblast
2021 2022
Districts 77
Territorial communities 7373
Cities 4444
Districts in cities 66
Urban-rural settlements 3434
Rural settlements 18501850
Source: the official web portal of Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

The list of settlements of administrative-territorial division (variable Territory) is presented in transliteration.

The English version of some transliterated Ukrainian words is presented below:
Region = rehion / oblast
District = raion
Urban-rural settlements = SMT (selyshche miskoho typu)
City = misto (m.)

Key demographic indicators
  Lvivska oblast
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Present population, thousand persons 2544.72540.92540.72538.42537.82534.22534.02529.62522.02512.12497.82478.1
Live births, persons 286512890430220295423027027909271342500223253218032112919440
Deaths, persons 326443116231667316663245032869322633208732726328393632739890
Infant mortality, persons 266272233247256232183232163145145121
Natural increase, decrease (-) of population, persons -3993-2258-1447-2124-2180-4960-5129-7085-9473-11036-15198-20450
Net migration, persons -876-15521211-142154313354982266618861099864833
Population change, persons -4869-3810-236-2266-637-3625-147-4419-7587-9937-14334-19617
Crude birth rates, ‰ 11.211.411.911.611.911.
Crude death rates, ‰ 12.812.312.512.512.813.012.712.713.013.014.516.0
Infant mortality rates, ‰
The name of settlements of administrative-territorial division is presented in transliteration.

The English version of some transliterated Ukrainian words is presented below:
Region = rehion / oblast

Crude birth rates, ‰
The total annual number of live birth per 1000 present population.

Crude death rates, ‰
The total annual number of deaths per 1000 present population.

Infant mortality rates, ‰
The total number of infant deaths per 1000 live births.

Key demographic indicators (persons)
  Lvivska oblast
Present population at the end of period                        
2020 251098825101222508671250745425067332505624250465625032522502283250150224997112497750
2021 249589724942802492247249003724883612487164248638524856282485056248303324801372478133
2022 2476113......................
Live births                        
2020 202336684998659883689983120971389515878179031948421129
2021 145129514612615876769331112251284514683164191796919440
2022 1258......................
2020 301355668260110531360116385193822244725508289753264436327
2021 327161969851136091677819613221252459827554316063627039890
2022 3214......................
Natural increase, decrease (-) of population                        
2020 -990-1898-3262-4455-5233-6402-7285-8552-9630-11072-13160-15198
2021 -1820-3245-5239-7451-9102-10282-10900-11753-12871-15187-18301-20449
2022 -1956......................
Net migration                        
2020 -106-64-151-175-118-58-143-280-171490787864
2021 -33-225-264-262-287-304-465-369177470688833
2022 -65......................
The list of settlements of administrative-territorial division (variable Territory) is presented in transliteration.

The English version of some transliterated Ukrainian words is presented below:
Region = rehion / oblast

Average age of population (at the beginning of year, years)
  Lvivska oblast
Average age
1989 2002 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Urban and rural areas                              
Both sexes 35.037.438.839.
males 32.635.036.336.536.736.836.937.037.137.337.537.737.938.138.2
females 37.139.641.141.241.441.541.641.741.841.942.142.242.442.642.8
The list of settlements of administrative-territorial division (variable Territory) is presented in transliteration.

The English version of some transliterated Ukrainian words is presented below:
Region = rehion / oblast

Average age
Weighted arithmetic average (mean) obtained by dividing the total number of person-years (summation of the values of number population certain age group multiplied for midpoint in designated age interval) by the total number of population.

Information is given on the basis of the population census data as of January 12, 1989.

Information is given on the basis of the population census data as of December 5, 2001.

Average life expectancy at birth (years)
  Lvivska oblast
Urban and rural areas
1995-1996 2009-2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Both sexes 69.8372.5773.1173.1673.2873.0873.3373.5573.4973.3673.4572.4271.51
males 64.9667.5868.2968.4568.3768.1668.4668.7468.5368.3368.3967.4066.88
females 74.6777.5277.7077.7178.0777.9478.1378.2678.3978.4278.5477.5776.25
Data before 2011 was calculated for two adjacent years. After 2011 - for one calendar year.

The list of settlements of administrative-territorial division (variable Territory) is presented in transliteration.

The English version of some transliterated Ukrainian words is presented below:
Region = rehion / oblast

Resident population by sex, main age groups and area type (at the beginning of year)
  Lvivska oblast
Urban and rural areas
1989 2002 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Both sexes                              
population aged 0-14 years, % 22.518.515.715.615.615.715.816.116.216.416.516.516.416.316.1
population aged 15-64 years, % 66.767.469.970.
population aged 65 years and older, % 10.814.114.414.314.314.314.414.414.514.514.614.714.915.115.3
The list of settlements of administrative-territorial division (variable Territory) is presented in transliteration.

The English version of some transliterated Ukrainian words is presented below:
Region = rehion / oblast

Information is given on the basis of the population census data as of January 12, 1989.

Information is given on the basis of the population census data as of December 5, 2001.

Age dependency ratio of population aged 15-64 (at the beginning of year, ‰)
  Lvivska oblast
Urban and rural areas
1989 2002 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Total age dependency ratio 499483431427426429432438442447452454456458457
Young age dependency ratio 337274224223222224226231234237240240238237235
Old age dependency ratio 162209207204204205206207208210212214218221222
The list of settlements of administrative-territorial division (variable Territory) is presented in transliteration.

The English version of some transliterated Ukrainian words is presented below:
Region = rehion / oblast

Total age dependency ratio
the total number of population aged 0-14 and 65 and older per 1000 population aged 15-64

Young age dependency ratio
the total number of population aged 0-14 aged per 1000 population aged 15-64

Old age dependency ratio
the total number of population aged 65 and older per 1000 population aged 15-64

Information is given on the basis of the population census data as of January 12, 1989.

Information is given on the basis of the population census data as of December 5, 2001.

Number of registered marriages and marriage dissolutions
  Number of registered marriages Number of marriage dissolutions
Units Per 1000 present population Units Per 1000 present population
Lvivska oblast        
1990 242398.862442.3
2000 151105.780763.0
2010 168366.650232.0
2011 189577.576423.0
2012 160856.366572.6
2013 165966.568412.7
2014 175836.962452.5
2015 180707.163602.5
2016 155216.161232.4
2017 160286.362182.5
2018 148055.972792.9
2019 151856.066202.6
2020 114284.659292.4
2021 137065.560812.4
The list of settlements of administrative-territorial division (variable Territory) is presented in transliteration.

The English version of some transliterated Ukrainian words is presented below:
Region = rehion / oblast

Number of marriage dissolutions
Information about divorces in 2010 was formed on the basis records which are kept by the state registration bodies of civil status acts, excluding administrative data of divorces through a judicial procedure, (according Law of Ukraine ``About state registration of acts of civil status`` dated of July 1, 2010 No.2398-VI).

  • Graph Number of present population (Y)
  • Graph Resident population by age groups (Y)
  • Graph Average life expectancy at birth (Y)
  • Graph Average age of population (Y)
  • Graph Natural movement of population (Y)
  • Graph Natural increase, decrease (-) of population by cities and districts (Y)
  • Graph Deaths children under 1 year old, persons(Y)
  • Graph Natural increase, decrease (-) of population, per 1000 present population (M)
  • Graph Crude birth and death rates (M)

(Y,Q,M) - time interval : (Year, Quarter, Month )
COUNT (ESTIMATION) OF THE POPULATION - approximate determination of the number of population in the country or part of it without a census.
Current count (estimation) of the population as of January 1 is based on the latest census, taking into account the natural and migratory movements of the population, as well as changes in population due to administrative and territorial changes.
Count (estimation) of the composition of the population by age is based on the method of movement by age. Age movement - the transition of persons of a certain age "x" to the next age "x + 1", with the number of these persons, respectively, decreases due to mortality and changes due to migration. Current population calculations (estimates) as of January are based on the data of the last census of the population (the All-Ukrainian Population Census of 2001), which are complemented natural and migrational change of population, and population changes due administrative and territorial changes.
Population estimates of size population by age are based on the data of movements through the age structure. Transition by age - person transition from age X to age X+1,changes in death and migration.
PRESENT POPULATION - is the population being in the given territory at the time of the census, taking into account temporary residents, if their residence does not exceed 12 months: (de facto population).
RESIDENT POPULATION - includes the population that permanently resides at the time of the census in the given territory, taking into account temporarily absentees, if their absence did not exceed 12 months: (de jure population).
URBAN AND RURAL POPULATION - The urban population includes those residing in urban settlements, rural population resides in rural areas. Urban settlements include cities of the republican, regional, district significance (nowadays, the concept of a city with a special status is used in the legislative acts determined by the laws of Ukraine, the republican (Autonomous Republic of Crimea), regional, district significance) and urban-type settlement, and rural are villages and townships irrespective of their administrative subordination. (Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Ukrainian SSR No. 1654-X dated March 12, 1981, "On the Procedure for the Resolution of Issues of the Administrative-Territorial Order", Bulletin of the Supreme Council of the Ukrainian SSR No. 12, 1981, p.179).
AVERAGE POPULATION - calculated as the arithmetic mean of the population at the beginning and at the end of the reference year.
NATURAL MOVEMENT OF POPULATION - a demographic process that changes the number and composition of the population due to births, deaths, marriages and divorces
INFORMATION ON BIRTHS, DEATHS, MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES - is formed on the basis of annual statistical development of civil status records, which are filled in by the state registration of civil status bodies and provided by territorial bodies of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine and data of the State Judicial Administration of Ukraine.
BIRTHS OUTSIDE OF MARRIAGE (NUMBER OF LIVE BIRTHS BY MOTHERS WHO WERE NOT IN A REGISTERED MARRIAGE) - includes births at the time of registration of which the child's descent from the parents is established by filing a joint application by the father and mother of the unmarried child or by court decision, which is indicated in the birth certificate.
INFANT MORTALITY RATE - computed as a ratio of deaths under one year of age to live births
NATURAL INCREASE(DECREASE) OF POPULATION - is the difference between the number of live births and the number of deaths.
- are ratio both total number of live births or deaths occurring during the calendar year to average population.
- is the ratio of the natural increase(decrease) over the average population, or difference between the crude birth rate and the crude death rate
NUMBER OF MARRIAGES PER 1000 PRESENT POPULATION (CRUDE MARRIAGE RATE) - is the ratio of the number of marriages registered during the calendar year over the average present population.
- is the ratio of the number of dissolution of a marriage during the calendar year over the average present population.
AGE-SPECIFIC FERTILITY RATES (NUMBER OF LIVE BIRTHS PER 1,000 WOMEN OF THE CORRESPONDING AGE) - characterize the intensity of birth in certain age groups of women and exclude the influence of age structure on fertility rates.
Age-specific fertility rates are the ratio of the number of live births per year by women of this age group to the average annual number of women at that age. When determining the indicators of the age group younger than 20 years, the number of women aged 15–19 years is conditionally taken. The count of the indicator for the age group of 15–49 years old was made taking into account children born by women aged 49 years and younger than 15 years.
Age-specific fertility rates are counted for five-year age groups.
TOTAL FERTILITY RATES - rate shows how many children a woman would give birth to on average during the entire reproductive period (15–49 years) while maintaining the birth rate at each age of the year for which the age coefficients were calculated. The total fertility rate is calculated as the sum of age-specific fertility rates for age groups in the range of 15-49 years
AGE - time from date of birth to date of measurement.The number of complete years lived at given moment.
AGE GROUP - group of people who are within a particular range of ages.
LIFE EXPECTANCY AT BIRTH - is the average number of years a new-born would live if current age-specific mortality rates remain constant.
SOURCE OF INFORMATION ON THE CAUSES OF DEATH - is a medical certificate of death, ambulance certificate of death, a medical certificate of perinatal death.
CAUSE OF DEATH - has been since 2005 in accordance with the International Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems of the Tenth Revision (ICD-10).
MIGRATION MOVEMENT OF POPULATION -is a demographic process that changes the number and composition of the population due to territorial movement
INFORMATION ON MIGRATION MOVEMENT OF POPULATION - is formed on the basis of annual statistical development of data on registration of residence of individuals and information on de-registration of residence of individuals received from registration authorities (executive bodies of village, town or city council, village heads (if according to the legislation the executive body of the village council was not formed)).
All migration flows include intraregional, interregional and interstate migration.
MIGRATORY INCREASE (DECREASE) OF POPULATION - is the difference between the number of arrivals in the territory and the number of departures beyond its borders
- the ratio of migratory increase(decrease) to the average population.
INTERSTATE MIGRATION - is population migration outside Ukraine or arrival to Ukraine from other countries.


Lviv region in figures


Demographic and Social Statistics Data Analysis Division

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