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Lviv Region Statistics | Education
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  • Tables
  • Graphs
  • Databases
  • Glossary
  • Infographics
  • Table Preschool education institutions (Y)
  • Table Gender parity of education seekers (Y)
  • Table Secondary education institutions (Y)
  • Table Vocational education institutions (Y)
  • Table Higher and vocational pre-higher education institutions (Y)
  • Table Postgraduate and doctoral students training (Y)

Preschool education institutions (at the end of the year)
  Lvivska oblast
Number of institutions Number of seats in institutions Enrolment Coverage of children by institutions, %
Urban and rural areas        
2015 783488297035048.9
2016 810504707184950.2
2017 819522847294451.6
2018 840535787335353.8
2019 825543527214355.0
2020 876549276893955.0
2021 901585726848958.0
2022 929612536501555.0
2023 9366126662585...
urban area        
2015 312351655409367.2
2016 316358595481569.0
2017 318369985526570.7
2018 323376485538773.5
2019 314377345438974.8
2020 340382125243876.0
2021 336401455173280.0
2022 364424994923375.0
2023 3684280347185...
rural area        
2015 471136641625725.8
2016 494146111703427.0
2017 501152861767928.0
2018 517159301796629.6
2019 511166181775430.3
2020 536167151650130.0
2021 565184271675732.0
2022 565187541578230.0
2023 5681846315400...
The information for 2020 was prepared according to the State Information System on Education, provided by the State Scientific Institution ‘Institute of Educational Analytics’ of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, since 2021 – according to the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

The list of settlements of administrative-territorial division (variable Territory) is presented in transliteration.

The English version of some transliterated Ukrainian words is presented below:
Region = rehion / oblast

Number of institutions
Data for 1995–2014 and 2020–2023 includes preschool education institutions which have not worked for a year or more for any reason, for 2015-2019 – institutions that have worked throughout the year are taken into account.

Since 2014, data include children covered by social pedagogical patronage.

Coverage of children by institutions, %
The percentage of children in preschool education institutions to the number of children aged 1–6 without firstgrade pupils of secondary education institutions. Since 2014, data include children covered by social pedagogical patronage.

Gender parity of education seekers (persons)
  Lvivska oblast
Both sexes females males Gender parity index, %
Pupils of preschool education institutions, at the end of year        
2020 68939331693577092.7
2021 68489328343565592.1
2022 65015313663364993.2
Full-time students of secondary education institutions, at the beginning of academic year        
2020 28515514043914471697.0
2021 28720114133614586596.9
2022 28976014244414731696.7
Students, course participants of vocational education institutions, at the end of year        
2020 2062077601286060.3
2021 2116681631300362.8
2022 2156480841348060.0
Students of vocational pre-higher education institutions, at the beginning of academic year        
2020 898958463143186.0
2021 183129059925397.9
2022 183068577972988.2
Students of higher education institutions, at the beginning of academic year        
2020 953645021645148111.2
2021 903854923541150119.6
2022 972574886048397101.0
Postgraduate students, at the end of year        
2020 19881016972104.5
2021 1972995977101.8
2022 2759982177755.3
The list of settlements of administrative-territorial division (variable Territory) is presented in transliteration.

The English version of some transliterated Ukrainian words is presented below:
Region = rehion / oblast

Education seekers
Pupils of preschool education institutions, at the end of year
The information for 2020 was prepared according to the State Information System on Education, provided by the State Scientific Institution ‘Institute of Educational Analytics’ of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, for 2021–2022 – according to the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

Education seekers
Full-time students of secondary education institutions, at the beginning of academic year
According to the Department of Education and Science of the Lviv Regional State Administration. Excluding students of special secondary education institutions and students of special classes organized in secondary education institutions. For 2020 – students in day secondary education institutions.

Education seekers
Students, course participants of vocational education institutions, at the end of year
According to the Department of Education and Science of the Lviv Regional State Administration.

Education seekers
Students of vocational pre-higher education institutions, at the beginning of academic year
The information was prepared according to the Unified State Electronic Database on Education, provided by the State Enterprise ‘Inforesurs’ of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

Education seekers
Students of higher education institutions, at the beginning of academic year
The information was prepared according to the Unified State Electronic Database on Education, provided by the State Enterprise ‘Inforesurs’ of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

Education seekers
Postgraduate students, at the end of year
Since 2021 – according to the Unified State Electronic Database on Education, provided by the State Enterprise ‘Inforesurs’ of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

Gender parity index, %
The ratio of the number of female to male students enrolled, for the each indicator.

Secondary education institutions (at the beginning of the academic year)
  Lvivska oblast
2021/22 2022/23 2023/24
Number of institutions 113011141102
Total enrolment 289187291899288337
  students studying by institutional form of study 284881281481274523
    full-time studies 284369276727272854
    evening studies 454456355
    part-time studies 463840
    distance studies 1242601274
    chained studies ---
  students studying by individual form of study 2320827911588
    external studies 2319403631
    family (home) studies 12444236200
    under the pedagogical patronage studies 217319161757
  students studying at special institutions of secondary education 198621392226
Number of students who received a basic secondary education certificate 251932620226624
Number of students who received a complete secondary education certificate 164991676616839
Number of teachers 340093347633080
According to the data of Department of Education and Science of the Lviv Regional State Administration.

The list of settlements of administrative-territorial division (variable Territory) is presented in transliteration.

The English version of some transliterated Ukrainian words is presented below:
Region = rehion / oblast

  students studying at special institutions of secondary education
The students of special secondary education institutions, including students of special classes organized in boarding schools.

Number of students who received a basic secondary education certificate
The students of secondary education institutions who received basic secondary education certificate before September, 1 of current calendar year.

Number of students who received a complete secondary education certificate
The students of secondary education institutions who received complete secondary education certificate before September, 1 of current calendar year.

Vocational education institutions (at the end of the year)
  Lvivska oblast
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Number of institutions 626059575756535351
Enrolment 291052700224310217852070220620211662156421051
New enrolment 149141333411126981995609706103341072310147
Number of graduates-skilled workers 1499014147123381123995288989881193869096
According to the data of Department of Education and Science of the Lviv Regional State Administration.

The list of settlements of administrative-territorial division (variable Territory) is presented in transliteration.

The English version of some transliterated Ukrainian words is presented below:
Region = rehion / oblast

Higher and vocational pre-higher education institutions (at the beginning of the academic year)
  Lvivska oblast
Number of institutions Total enrolment Enroled students for studies Specialists graduated for a year
Higher education institutions        
2020/2021 33953642405430505
2021/2022 21903852192220038
2022/2023 20972572492524073
2023/2024 211089682537817920
Vocational pre-higher education institutions        
2020/2021 10898926662914
2021/2022 201831258595227
2022/2023 221830657294731
2023/2024 212409984236135
Information has been prepared according to data from the Unified State Electronic Database on Education provided by the State Enterprise 'Inforesurs' of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

The list of settlements of administrative-territorial division (variable Territory) is presented in transliteration.

The English version of some transliterated Ukrainian words is presented below:
Region = rehion / oblast

Postgraduate and doctoral students training
  Lvivska oblast
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Institutions with postgraduate programmes 333232323030262627
Postgraduate enrolment at the end of the year 244521822041188118941988197227594182
New enrolment in postgraduate programmes 84647553451250748540711961770
Postgraduate students trained (PhD graduates) 61354149851324334652175301
Institutions with doctoral programmes 2221212120............
Enrolment in doctoral programmes at the end of the year 13315113386102............
New enrolment in doctoral programmes 5056373952............
Doctoral students trained (D.Sc. graduates) 2736488643............
Since 2021 – according to data from the Unified State Electronic Database on Education provided by the State Enterprise 'Inforesurs' of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

The list of settlements of administrative-territorial division (variable Territory) is presented in transliteration.

The English version of some transliterated Ukrainian words is presented below:
Region = rehion / oblast

  • Graph Number of students per 10000 population (Y
  • Graph Distribution of graduates from higher and professional pre-higher education institutions (Y)
  • * since 2020/2021 includes professional (vocational) pre-higher education institutions
    PRESCHOOL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION - is educational institution that ensures the rights of children to preschool education, their physical, mental and spiritual development, social adaptation and readiness to continue training.
    COVERAGE OF CHILDREN BY PRESCHOOL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS - is calculated as a ratio of the total number of pupils of preschool educational institutions to the total number of children aged 1-6 (without children attending first forms organized in schools) multiplied by 100.
    SECONDARY EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION - is educational institution which main type of activity in the area of general secondary education.
    VOCATIONAL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION - is educational institution that ensures the individuals needs to vocational education (vocation-and-technical), obtaining working professions, specialties, and qualifications in accordance with their interests, skills and health.
    PROFESSIONAL (VOCATIONAL) PRE-HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTION - is an educational institution, the main activity of which is educational activity in the field of vocational pre-higher education. Development of statistical information on the network and activities of vocational pre-higher education institutions was introduced in 2020/2021 academic year, taking into account the provisions of the Law of Ukraine "On Vocational Pre-Higher Education"
    HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTION - is a separate type of institution that is a legal entity of private or public law, acts in accordance with the issued license to conduct educational activities at certain levels of higher education, carries out scientific, scientific and technical, innovative and/or methodological activities, ensures organization of the educational process and obtaining higher education, postgraduate education by persons, taking into account their vocations, interests and abilities.
    ACQUIRERS OF EDUCATION (STUDENTS) - everyone who is studying are student. Here general term that includes-pupils, students, cadets, course participants, trainees, postgraduate and postdoctoral students, other persons who obtain education according to any type and any form of obtaining education.
    POSTGRADUATE STUDENT - is a person enrolled at an institutions of higher education (scientific institution) to receive a PhD / Doctor of Arts degree
    POSTDOCTORAL STUDENT - is a person enrolled at an institutions of higher education (scientific institution) to obtain a Doctor of Science degree (DSc).


    Lviv region in figures


    Demographic and Social Statistics Data Analysis Division

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    Main Statistical Office in Lviv Region
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