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Lviv Region Statistics | INFOGRAPHICS

Every year on November 17th,
International Students' Day is celebrated in Ukraine.

Every year on October 7, the World Day for Decent Work is marked.

To International Children's Day
World Food Day

World Food Day is celebrated in Ukraine on October 16th .

Europe Day is celebrated every year on the third Saturday of May.

International Family Day is celebrated on May 15th every year.

Mother’s Day is celebrated in the second week of May every year.

Every year on September 1, Ukraine celebrates the Day of Knowledge.

We collected the main indicators that show the statistically describable differences between the situation of women and men.

April 7 of each year marks the celebration of World Health Day.
Displayed data on gender, age, location and area of residence, economic activity population in Lviv region per 100 people.
The information contains the charts on the output distribution, the structure of production of cereals and meat by species.
Presented information on the consumption basic food products per 1 person, the cost structure and composition of households Lviv region.
Dynamic gender-age pyramid of the population in which the information about the population of region for the period from 1989 is presented.



 Electronic publication Lviv region in figures 2021 Lviv region in figures 2021

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Lviv region in figures (for 2021)

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