
  • As of January 1, 2022, 2478,1 thousand people lived in the Lviv region.
  • 1516,3 thousand people lived in urban areas (61,2% of the total population), 961,8 thousand people in rural areas (38,8%).
  • Women dominated in the total population of Lviv region - 1294,8 thousand people (52,6%). As of January 1, 2022, there was an average of 900 men per 1000 women.
  • In 2021, 19,4 thousand children were born in the region, 39,9 thousand people died, including 121 infants deaths. The natural decrease of population was 20,5 thousand persons.

Main indicators


Present population
as of January 1, 2022
Total population
Table Interregional comparisons Table Interregional comparisons

Crude birth and death rates and natural decrease of population

per 1000 present population

Population age-sex structure

as of January 1, 2022, persons